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Our mission is to provide free clothes, toys and medical supply to Ukrainian people in need: orphans, veterans and people with disabilities.

The unprecedented crisis created by the Covid-19 Pandemic is impacting the lives of millions of people in the world. Families who were already struggling are now at severe risk, and many will be unable to pay their utility bills. The need for clothes, food, toys and medical supply this season will be greater than ever before. You can help people thrive. Your contribution helps families and communities in Ukraine

Please join us in our mission to bring smiles to peoples of the developing world. With your help, we can make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in Ukraine.
Donate to Ukraine from USA through PayPal, Send Money to Ukraine from USA


Veterans often find themselves battling loneliness and depression years after returning home. The Renaissance Foundation is committed to standing beside those who stood up for us by offering a variety of veteran services to meet their needs. Whether it’s medical supply, wheelchair assistance, clothes, or a friendly smile and companionship for the afternoon, we’re always ready to come to their aid. In Ukraine there are many Veterans organizations are waiting for our support and help:

• Veterans ATO zone (Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone)
• Chernobyl Victims
• Afghanistan War Veterans
Renaissance Foundation is committed to work with these organizations in Ukraine to support them with education materials, medical supplies and clothes.
Donate to Veterans in Ukraine from USA

More than 2.5 million persons with disabilities in Ukraine, including 159 000 children are facing everyday challenges and limitations of their rights. Children with disabilities and their families living in Ukraine consistently face isolation, neglect and poverty, especially single mothers.

The state is obliged to provide the necessary support and create equal conditions of access to provide for the needs of people with disabilities. Severe government budget restraints add to the lack of assistance these individuals receive, leaving most detached from even basic opportunities and services, including education, medical care, and employment.
Donate to People with Disabilities in Ukraine from USA

Right now, there are about 70,000-110,000 orphans in Ukraine. These orphans are housed in over 650 institutions across the country. The majority of these children are “social orphans”, meaning they were put in the care of the state due to abuse, abandonment or extreme poverty. Every three days an orphan with a disability dies, usually because they don’t get the necessary medical attention. In Ukraine, the orphanage, known as an Internat, is a mixed boarding school for orphans and children from families living in poverty and is a catch-all for children of every background and need.

We believe the real solution is long-term, lifetime care with support from the whole community to care for the children holistically. As communities – individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools, etc – work together to support these children as viable citizens, the future of these orphans begins to look less bleak. There is hope for future education, employment, stable living, and acceptance. Of course, such care is not easy to provide in a relatively newly independent country like Ukraine. It requires a hands-on commitment from both local and international organizations, as well as recognition that the plight of Ukrainian orphans is the responsibility of the Ukrainian people.

Renaissance Foundation partners with local organizations and churches, along with international donors, in order to care for orphans while they are in the orphanage and after graduation. Our program is designed to love these children, provide basic necessities, and give them supportive communities. Our mission is to bring hope to these children in the bleakest of circumstances.
Donate to Orphans in Ukraine from USA, Donate to Help Children in Ukraine

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